Modus Cyberandi Delivers Unmatched Behavioral Profiling of Cyber Adversaries to Defend Your Organization

Experience, expertise and trustworthiness matter most when choosing a company to help protect your valuable data, networks, systems and reputation. Led by the former FBI Behavioral Profiler who created and developed the FBI Behavioral Analysis Unit’s team to profile cyber attackers, Modus Cyberandi brings the deepest experience and operational behavioral profiling expertise available globally.

Practitioners and experts. Modus Cyberandi offers the deepest operational cyber behavioral profiling experience against criminal and nation-state cyber adversaries.

Addressing the adversary. Cyberattacks always start with humans. We help you understand and neutralize the human element to more easily contextualize and defend against the technical elements

Real-world law enforcement and intelligence community experience. Authentic, real-world assessment and engagement with cyber adversaries in criminal and nation-state attack investigations. Science-based, experience-driven.

Academic Underpinnings. Grounded in validated research and literature, our assessments combine the rigor of science and the advantage of extensive practical application through experience.

Complete threat-picture. Fill threat intelligence gaps through gaining a deep understanding of the attackers and groups that are the source of threats.

Recognize, Understand, Defend. Identify and counter adversary tactics before they impact your network, systems, data and reputation.
Enhance your threat picture by knowing the adversary

Observe Cyber Behavioral Indicators™

Assess Adversaries’ Intentions

Identify Adversaries’ Motivations

Recognize Adversaries’ Emotions and Triggers

Understand Adversary Decision-making

Assess and implement Behavioral Threat Intelligence™

Manage Adversaries’ Strengths and Weaknesses to Mitigate Risk

Exploit Adversary Vulnerabilities

Shape and Design Adversary Behavior to your Advantage

Leverage Cyber Behavioral Profiling™ to Stay one Step Ahead
Modus Cyberandi provides impactful science-based and experience-driven operational consultation that enhances all aspects of Threat Hunt, Digital Forensics & Incident Response and Cyber Threat Intelligence. Using unique assessment processes to provide deep insight into cyber adversaries, we identify and dissect the human element behind cyber threats and elucidate the adversaries’ vulnerabilities. Our custom strategies for risk mitigation and operational primacy are developed and tailored for client needs, offering a multiplicity of behavior-shaping courses of action—giving your organization both strategic and tactical advantage against adversaries.
Profile | Predict | Protect